جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Kenneth Maswabi

Living in times of Paranoia

The pandemic brought many ills to the global village

Not least among them is the scourge of paranoia

The mental faculty of trust has been dismantled

The face of the pandemic is not social distancing

The face of the pandemic is paranoia

This is not a subtle human instinct

It’s found in many of our undefined human behaviours

Including in our fear of the unknown

The human brain tends to manufacture demons

When the terrain is rough

This time around a monster was delivered to our doorsteps

And it stands taller than the Covid-19 pandemic

It will turn father against son and mother against daughter

If we are not careful

It will consume as many lives as the Covid-19 pandemic

I know some will be tempted to focus their powerful laser on me

But it is the malignant tumour in our midst

That needs all of our attention

Let us be aware of this unwanted parasite

That has infested the human brain

And will lead to more human suffering

Let us resect it while we still have time

And maybe we will be able to look each other in the eye

Be proud of our achievements

Be happy to be free at last

It is not fair to some

But I will say it

Covid-19 Vaccines are not our enemies

The true enemy is a bye-product of our logical minds (Paranoia)

We have to abandon logic for a while

Hold hope in our heads (and hearts)

And get ourselves and everyone else vaccinated

The sooner we do this

The better for our communities, nations and the world

©Kenneth Maswabi

The consumption of Silence

In the world of scarcity

It is unheard of to be fully embellished with divinity

In the house of sagacity

It is normal to be fully satiated with life

The abundance of life is everywhere

And the tools to dig out the fruits of the spirit are everywhere

One needs to learn the art of the ancient monks, seekers and dreamers

The consumption of Silence is not a luxury

It is a necessity on the path of the everlasting life

The substance of life is fully prepared

For a billion tons of Silence

You have to pack every ounce of your being with Silence

Until your whole being becomes silent

This is the job at hand

In every avenue of life, take some time off

To refill the emptiness within

To chew the cud of Silence

The consumption of Silence is not madness

Silence is the path of Light

And with Silence, the way home is cleared

Silence is the only form of the divine substance

That is found scattered everywhere

With Silence, comes peace, wisdom, hope and Love

Silence is the substance of the divine in the universe

©Kenneth Maswabi




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