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عالمي‏‎Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah‎‏WORLD CONTEMPORARY POETS

KAMILA PEREIRA HERNANDEZ: Internationally reputed Eminent Poet and Painter from COLUMBIA


‏‎Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah‎‏  

KAMILA PEREIRA HERNANDEZ: Internationally reputed Eminent Poet and Painter from COLUMBIA

Kmila Hernandez

Dear members, you know that we have been introducing the poets of our contemporary world by a declaration of the president, Poetry and Literature World Vision as a part of our mission of promoting poetry across the world. Today I'd like to present here an eminent poet and painter of internationally repute who is KAMILA PEREIRA HERNANDEZ from Columbia. Let's be introduced with her, read her poetries and welcome warmly.

Kamila Pereira Hernández was born in Turbo Antioquia, August 23, 1982. She iss a Logistics Coordinator in Port and Customs Operations. Kamila is a Poet and Painter. Her works have been published in national and international Anthologies, literary magazines like Polychrome Literarias (2013) Poetic compilation of Urabá and award for the stimulation of creative talent. Spring Scream Anthology (2016), Poetic Anthology The Muses Sing (2016). Winning project to the call for culture and heritage of the Government of Antioquia.

En el Ojo de la Sepia is a work that was in decantation for many years, She identifies it with the collection of works of art of her authorship, which she has called La Espera. The title of her first individual book, born from the vision towards everyday life and the vision of the cuttlefish octopus in the marine world, the vision of the Sepia octopus, is stereoscopic allows you to see in 3D, it is the marine animal that has the greatest vision acuity. It suffers color changes in the skin if they detect threatening objects. Ejecting the sepia ink, with which the sepia drawing pencil is made. This is what the poet has called her first book.

The themes that she describes in her book En el Ojo de la Sepia, is like everyday life, environmental pollution, love, religion, eroticism and politics.

They are themes that in your daily life, you walk with them hand in hand, that is why she has awarded them, embodying her bond with them in this first book of poetry.

She has participated in different National and International Poetry Encounters and festivals, such as the XXXIII Encounter of Colombian Women Poets (2018) Urgent Poetry Readings. (2018). Awarded the Golden Spike ACAETT Association of Culture, Art, Education, Ecology and Tourism. At the III International Festival of Poetry and Art. Tembladera, Cajamarca, Peru. (2018). VIII International Meeting of Poets, Decimists and Writers. Manta, Ecuador. (2019) Meeting of Hispanic American poets and writers. Ecuador. (2020) First Congress of Art, Dance, Music and Poetry. Poetic Chrysalis. (2020) Obtained recognition by ASORBAEX, Spain. For her talent, attitude, commitment and participation as an artist promoting the culture of equality. "Art from my corner" San Vicente, Ecuador. (2020)

International Poetry Festival. Poet are for peace and humanity. Bangladesh (2020) Writer 'World Anthology. World Writers. Bangladesh (2021)

Poems by Kamila Pereira Hernandez:


I will see in a glare of the earth

 an era,

where the poets carve out a

garden with colored words

and wave woven flags

from verses to time

forgiveness and friendship will germinate

And in that era,

where they planted antipersonnel mines

they will cultivate hope and illusion.

Fear and scourge will not survive,

to the scent of a changing system

There will be no man with a homeland wound

 children will wave the flight of pigeons

white paper,

 they will carry bay leaves in their beaks,

they will travel to the west.

There will be no war

  history will not repeat

There will be no lines that divide

The middle east, the diversity of Africa

 The interior of the old continent,

the seas of oceania

 the North and South of the Americas

 And the immigrant with the native

Just peace of mind

Peace, peace, torch that will radiate the earth!

True peace, where the night will subsist

and the day will not worry the hours of the muleteer.

 There will be no war

the one that imprisoned my steps

 there will be a trail of defeated memories

Where the hugs encompass all

The yearnings

I will have no pretended peace

the one that filled the peasant with fear

 and at night he poured the perfume of death.

Feigned peace, that plundered hope

of the children in the country school

staining their faces with tragedy.

How will I love you pretended peace?

If the brazen mouths of young, crying out

of chased peace,

 you cracked.

And there, in that era,

I will have open eyes

  and uncooked lips.

Dream, where my verses

  they will not be in vain.


Conch roundness

You warmed your lips

  Of the newborn

Silencing the incessant crying

Of the night.

Left breast

You were fruit and delight

For your man

Memory root

Origin and passion.

You lose your upright breast

Defeated in the gloom

Of your splendor;

He declined his haughtiness

From where a spring arose

Remains on the skin

Marked the trench

Where you won the battle to the death

It does not matter that I do not relive

Implanted in your beauty

Because intact they have been

  your vigor, your dreams, your nature.


Your body will be my grave.

I will die of moons in your ecstatic eyes

like a lover who melts into an Eden

eager for your lips, under your upturned nose

kisses in the center of your face.

And your tongue will speak to me of a language

that my body did not know

you will rub my groin with balsamic ointments,

in the timidity of my delivery.

Like a fluttering dove,

 you will make me feel stars

with your breath in joy.

Yes, I will die, in your galactic eyes

and you will exonerate my tormented soul.

I will die, well, whenever it is;

and the where must be in your body.

Resurrect sweating through your skin,

with your pores full of celestial hallelujahs.

Time passed

when my caresses stop

clock hands,

you will also die

between my hands spreading oils

or in my chest inhaling the vapors

 of consummate desire.

When my fingers untie your zipper

 and we fall to the ground without the ornaments

of clothes and modesty

our skin will be ready

as a lying grave.

There we will die with our burning breasts

in a pyre of double body, double flame

with your mouth sliding

and drinking from my plains,

going down to my navel

effervescent glass.

Anyway, whenever, let it be between your body

devouring your sex, souls melted, lifeless bodies.

When the night falls before the bustle of the sheets

And the day hasten your lightning strike on the window.

after that death, you and I will have risen.



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