جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Jonathan Pratt

The Timber Man

I am an old man,

Just a very old man.

Most often you will see me sitting

All alone,

Because it hurts to

stand up

On my own.

But once

 I was a young man,

I was a very young man.

As tall and strong as the greatest redwood tree

And that’s the way I thought I’d always be.


Time came at me like a

Timber Man.

With a sharpened blade He came at me with an

Axe in hand.

And with each swing Began to

Chop me down.

With a sneering grin he’d

Drop me

To the ground.

With each shear he Brought me

To my knees

I cried from the pain

And agony

But through the forest

no one

Heard my cries.

The night winds hushed every

Single plea.

And then

Tormenting rains and winds came

Rolling in.

And every winter froze me to the core.

My whole body aching

More and more

My branches cracked and swayed o’er and

Over again.

Sometimes the aching Trunk would

turn and bend,

Never to stand the

same way ever again.

And all the time with every

storm that Came

I did my best to keep my

Family safe

Like fruit on branches


ripe and round,

Kept them from falling

to the

Cold hard ground.

Til finally time took its

Toll on me.

I learned that even a great redwood tree

Could not withstand

The ever present

Timber man

He called on weather, ice and winds on me.

He will persist until he

falls the tree.

I am an old man, I’m

A very old man.

Most often you will see sitting

All alone.

Because it hurts to stand up

On my own.

From these old branches now

You’ll truly see

New seed has taken ground

And planted trees.

But soon the Timber Man will

Come around

Ready to do his best to

Chop them down.

And they will wrestle with him

Just like me.

Until they’re just another

Fallen tree.

I am an old man, yes

A very old man.

I know now time is not

A trusted friend.

The Timber Man time sent

Will come again

He won’t stop chopping

Til the very end.

I am an old man,

I’m a very old man

Soon I will see my days come

To an end.

But God will take me up

When I am no more,

And through Him He will

Even the score.

As winter ends, as always,

Spring succeeds.

New life is promised

Through our Lord and King.

And we shall live with Him


From this broken body

I will be set free.




إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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