Dusmanta Choudhury
Fountain Of All Is Mysterious
Like a moon of heaven, I adore thee
In the secret hour,so dazzling to see
In my heart's eyes in thy aerial hue
In dead winter in thy refulgent dew
Thy words flow like a crystal stream
Sails my baroque, full of blue dream
So blithe so dolour yet could dulcify
Still effulgent love is , but to specify
As so much of red turns into black
Like too much sweet,does bliss lack
What a stygian path, mind does find
So vestal in heart so, vesture is kind
All that's pious & divine, know I not
Behold I all,yet in a light of thought
Here is just there is unjust as I feel
Pours thy heart in a star crossed lea
Unknown is the foundation,as I find
Like a shade in tenebrous to unwind
So little is clear and so little unclear
Fleers it at me in deep gloaming fire