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Dusmanta Choudhury

Yet Night Is So Bare



Fulgent was the very morning path

Covered with brume & barsky wrath

Swiftly along the hedge she did rock

Cared she nothing but, drowsy flock

Moved she softly like winged steed

In blue ether with a hope inly fervid

Like an unbodied joy I ever did reap

When she with the breeze did creep

Blithe was her eye in voice so sweet

Poured in the heart a shrill & delight

So lucent so lambert was her realm

Reigns she so wisely holding a helm

World is a grain of sand in her palm

From her tone streams sweet psalm

All day long and ever all night long

Hate & pride & fear she ever flung

Along the path the morning did run

Crossing all limitations to empyrean

One dream for an ever silver sphere

Though all pious yet night is so bare

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury



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