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إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

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Dusmanta Choudhury

Fate Has Crowned Her


I see her among the clouds above

On the new year's day with my love

Pray to find her happier than before

On the mortal earth that is too poor

There is chaos so much in the earth

Impulse of delight is not too worth

Closed the eyes the years behind

All divine bliss, brought all to mind

What more what more life is in need

If cheering heart is all about to feed

So much music of speech I do hear

Perhaps her fate has scrowned her

Never can the life hit on the head

If the human fate God has made

No waste of breath no waste of life

As the cloud is not cause of strife

Let her be the monarch of all lores

The earth can have as all in stores

No law no duty can not be the wall

So sacred & pious is her earthly role

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury



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