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إعلان الرئيسية

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إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

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جديد علَّم نفسك


Dusmanta Choudhury

What Can Be My Last Verse


Life is spiritually bestowed upon me

Know not what my last verse can be

Rhythm of human love,pips its head

With a bunch of roses in blue & red

Be in balance with first & last verse

In between flows,left often in worse

Think I often to colour one thought

Know not often what my pen wrote

Choose I words, fit for my feelings

Outcome is surprised,full of blinks

Words of heart and words of mouth

Never can match as if runs to south

Cold is the wind that harms no word

In the lines like most jovial blue bird

Opens my heart in opening a tongue

In a deep slumber, nothing is wrong

Dreams my pen to travel too longer

Boarding a neverending trip so far

With a basket of the sweetest love

Draws the emotions from up above

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury



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