جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Kenneth Maswabi

Inside the Silence

Don't look for a door

Silence is the entrance

Into the inner being

Don't look for yourself

Inside the Silence

You're the fabric of Silence

Don't think

Silence is the thought

Don't fiddle with Silence

Silence is the whole existence

Don't be afraid

Silence is the womb of life

Inside the Silence

You're the epitome of being

The summit of existence

Inside the Silence

Nothing exist

Nothingness is existence

Inside the Silence

Just be




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