جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Tareq Al Islam

"Only This Man Is Responsible."


Adjust the movement of the soul in the spiritual wave to  tune,

All will be understood in unspoken language,

People who cultivate erudition in vain debates are a product of society,

Who are the enemies of this world?

People with intelligent technology,

The new generation on the world stage

Deformed brain,

Lost the insanity of youth,

Wise people with Hysteria,

Not to be outdone without tanning slaps,

The world is in the hands of the rich,

The word democracy is literal,

The reformer youth of the lazy brain is responsible for this,

The relentless onslaught of domination is infected all over the world today,

Policy norm historical truth,

Like the archeological specimens preserved in the museum,

The present civilization is painted with new colors in the combination of truth and falsehood,

Hybrid generation,

The language of nature is insignificant,

Vindictive Nature

Angry, losing balance.

Disaster will start with terrible violence only if revenge is sought

Earthquake, Cyclone, Tornado, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tsunami,

Who stops the speed of nature?

People have to be human,

The nature of life must be safe,

Otherwise the earth will soon sink into the darkness of Caose,

This man is responsible for accelerating the destruction of the enchanted world ... !!

#Tareq Al Islam





إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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