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إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

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عالميKenneth Maswabi

The fundamentals of Spirituality


Kenneth Maswabi

The fundamentals of Spirituality

In Silence, let everything dissolve into nothingness

Then you and I will be one - Oneness

The veil that separates us is everything

The cord that connects us is nothingness

Do not attach yourself to anything

Let your boundary be limitless

This is the entrance to the realm of the spirit

Do not open the door of imagination

Let the moment of Light swallow you

There are no thoughts that can describe eternity

Just be there and enjoy the fruits of the spirit

Peace, happiness, hope, faith and love are just part of the atmosphere

This is the dimensionless realm

Do not restrict yourself to the garden of beauty

Open the curtain of Light and you will enter the realm of awareness

It is here where you will be undressed

Ego will be dismantled and your true self will emerge

This is the fountain of being

To know the truth and be the truth

To be in Love and to be the Love

Let the Light of awareness be your guide

As you embark on this path of life

Do not be tempted by the glittering lights of materialism

Stay away from the dark corners of knowledge

Find your true purpose and pursue it

This is the fulfillment of the covenant of unconditional Love

Don't judge anyone

Be like the night sky, let everyone's light shine through you and in you

Then you will be like the Cosmos

And be forever full of mysteries

Spirituality is neither an art nor a science

It is a path to the realm of awareness

It is the fulfillment of who you are

The realization of who you are not

And the letting go of all your attachments

©Kenneth Maswabi


Photo credit to the owner




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