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إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك
عالميKenneth Maswabi

The Realization of a lifetime


Kenneth Maswabi

The Realization of a lifetime

Life was woven into existence eons of years before science was invented

Mathematicians cannot find a perfect formula

Just a near perfect way of explaining the universe

It is most astounding that life and the cosmic entity are so intertwined

Every cell in the body is extraordinarily intelligent

It lives beyond the scope of logic

It keeps secrets beyond our understanding

It uses the abundance of consciousness

No thoughts are required, just a machinery beyond technology

Yes, cancer might emerge within this near perfect system

It is not a failure of this spiritual phenomenon

It is the contaminated produce of our hands

That interferes with this Divine world

Just like the universe, that stood close to perfection

Until we introduced our poisonous will

The universe is a gigantic near perfect entity

Closely resembling the cells in our bodies

A sacred machinery beyond technology

A beautifully created system of abundance

A platform for energy to take on new life forms

And continue to show the superior quality of the Creator

The atom was revealed by the scientific mind

It is close to perfection

Resembling, the cellular organism and the universe in its near perfect creation

It is a machinery beyond technology

It is a divine creation

Now, we are made of this sacred stuff

But how come our lives are far from perfection?

What have we done to stray away from our near perfect creation?

I think the answer is simple

We divorced ourselves from this majestic project

And presented our selfish will as an alternative

We projected our new found power on others

Subjugating them, we celebrated our own degenerative ways

We are accumulating material wealth at the expense of others

Throwing away our near perfect harmonious existence

We sold our souls to materialism, selfishness and pure wickedness

We abandoned our Creator's dream world

Constructing a reality based on illusions

©Kenneth Maswabi


Photo credit to the owner




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