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عالميKenneth Maswabi

Spirituality of Things - Consciousness


Kenneth Maswabi

Spirituality of Things - Consciousness

Just as we are waking up to the possibility of the internet of things via 5G technologies

All along, we have been living in a mysterious realm of the spirituality of things via higher dimensions and ultimately the dimensionless

Science is fast catching up to the deep reality beneath the constructed reality

Wierdly interconnected and dimensionless

Merging the Cosmos and the everlasting Life of the Spirit

Requires a close interaction between life and the physical world

Now, we realize that life is a divine character of the physical world

And the laws of physics cannot be interpreted outside the perimeters of Life

We come across the phenomenon of entanglement of the spiritual and physical realms

Where one realm is an extension of the other

Oneness is not only a divine character but a cosmic attribute

The Spirituality of Things is described by the spiritually inclined as Unconditional Love

Planet Earth as our home, regardless of our status in life, requires our utmost attention

Because it holds the secrets that bind us together - Consciousness

The Universe cannot be dismissed by the Spiritually intoxicated because it is the Manifested power of the Spirit

Held together for eons of years by the mysterious nature of the Divine spark

Spirituality of things or Consciousness is the force that gives us the ability to perceive things, appreciate them and care for them regardless of their usefulness in our lives

This intrinsic part of us is fast disappearing in a post modern world of Individualism, Competition, Consumerism and Materialism

Selfishness, greed and wickedness are forces pulling us away from each other

Leaving a path of destruction that cannot be easily repaired

We no longer feel the deep connections to our innerselves and surroundings

We are slowly degenerating into spiritually malnourished versions of our former selves

Spiritual Awakening or Consciousness opens our eyes to the deepest meanings of Life and Existence in a mysterious universe and a fast changing post-modern world

We are the custodian of the secrets of nature and the Divine

And it is about time we act the part

©Kenneth Maswabi


Photo credit to the owner




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