John Charley
the credit place*
place can make one dream.
place can dream
dream to dream asleep
and dream dies to meet
all its dead, people and
and dream dies to meet
all the wealthiest in their
but people are everywhere,
dead or living;
some invaluing what they are
some frail in what they want
to be,
when dream, is hid in every
hear them well, and try to
fall with them.
can stories die and tell
everything that was broken,
broken to break everything?
or die to foretell its only
can stories tell temperature?
can stories tell, more what
faces can't
to most of our dreams in
people, place,and
wealth, and how to get,
before it hands?
What if only a picture can,
how created is detail, from
toe to task,
of all what is found inside,
if founded-
then stories tell everything
fear about heights.
©️ john charley.
*dedicated to greatest institutions
that first were deemed too
great to fail
but greatly FAILED.