جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Saki Jahangir

Spiritual Love


(Erotic Voice Book)


Saki Jahangir



There is no explanation for love, because she is mad

The boyfriend gets stuck in the quicksand.

Whatever is said in the mouth, much less

Because languageless love is the real thing.

Gives love, bows down in shame

At the sight of the lover's face, I don't know, the heart stops beating.

Blessings become the upper gaze of the lover

The look down on the lover surrendered.

The look on the right side of the lover is haughty

The look on the left side of the lover is the face of separation.

Saki's gaze is on the wind that blows in all directions

Reunion in exile, separation in life




إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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