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Dusmanta Choudhury

An Ever Golden Fleece



Let her be the ever golden fleece

In deep dark sylvan path with peace

So lucent so crescent yet too pious

What can emotions do but not bias

Like only refulgent star in the sky

Twinkles she where all lores can lie

All that dwells under shawod of life

Here name there fame but in strife

Plays she a music as sweet as love

For all nocturnal beings dwell above

As if the bridge between earth & sky

Altars of mortals & deities where lie

Dwells she in a flowery dell of dew

Wears her ethics all varying of hue

Time can beget a time of treasure

All life's madness is under a scorner

All that are supernal, dwell with her

Heart within mind within in the ether

Stygian is the time that lives in light

Bears all glories of noble muliebrity



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