جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Okram Shakuntala

Love Has Many Ways



There are many whats

And there are many whys

I don't know what for

Love has many ways

Some are silly Sally and

Some are dilli dally love

Some love are joyful

Somewhere man looks up above

The earth is poor

The soil is poor

How can love live here

For life long and for ever

Give and take

Has been love's law

Where there is much

People willingly bow

Time is the time

That can see everything

Water becomes flatter

Where poison is mingling



إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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