جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Christopher Hnatiuk

Happy holidays everyone!

I wanted to make something I could share with family and friends this year. I truly would like any feedback as I have thoughts that some pets need work, just would love to hear if others feel the same. Regardless, hope it gives a little joy this season!


Those first strands of light

Start the wonderful climb

To children’s favorite night

We call it Christmastime

Each year they are hung

And memories come along

Our favorite songs are sung

Alone or in throng

Yet those strands are more

Than mere cords and plastic

Look close, you can’t ignore

What makes them fantastic;

The lights start to look

Like more than a glow

It’s a Christmastime book!

Your family on show;

That one’s your mother’s

That one’s your aunt’s

Friends are different colors

Yet they all seem to dance

Every light has a name

Its own place in the line

Not a single one the same

Notably, their shine

Some may have gone dark

But don’t worry, don’t fret

Their absence may be stark;

There’s a place for them yet

Their light will shine on

In the stories you tell

For no lights are gone

When in memories they dwell

Some lights may have cracks

Their colorings worn thin

Tired bulb starting to relax

From its time in the bin

Curiously these flaws

Only help us remember

The sorcery that Clause

Casts every December

Since all lights are afire

With his magic and cheer

Fueled by Yule desire

Which wanes year to year

It’s the lights that shine bright

Regardless of their fault

That make this time feel right

It’s in them I exalt

So If your light is dim

It’s easy: raise your voice!

Fill his magic to the brim

Make happiness your choice!

Make this holiday season

Special and grand

If for no other reason

Than to light up that strand



إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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