جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Emilija Vasiljević

Unaccustomed to freedom

Stringing into mother of pearl beads

these days of tears and gall.

And these hours, sandy,

I run through my fingers.

Don't let them return

in the cage of memories,

like a colorful parrot-

unaccustomed to freedom.

From me to you

there's just a sigh

in the sky without a rainbow,

no grief-

into the blue of peace


I'm not Yours.

I'm not even entirely My own.

Just a toy for the wind.


to your bare feet

Thirsty for freedom .

Unaccustomed to freedom.

Emma Emilija Vasiljevic "the pinch of a dream"

Translated by Darko Kotevski


Slobodi nevični

Nižem u perle sedefaste

ove dane od suza i žuči

I ove sate, pjeskovite,

kroz prste propuštam.

Neka se ne vrate

u kavez sjećanja,

poput šarene papige-

slobodi nevične.

Od mene do tebe

samo je uzdah

na nebu bez duge,

bez tuge-

u plavetnilo mira


Nisam Tvoja.

Ni posve Svoja.

Tek igračka vjetru.


tvojim bosim stopalima

Slobode žedna.

Slobodi nevična.

Ema Emilija Vasiljević "prstohvat sna"




إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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