جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


 Rob Krabbe

This is the Way


This is the Way

a poem by Rob Krabbe

based on Psalm 139

You know the depths of me;

the known and the hidden of me,

through, through and through,

the soul and heart of me;

I try to hide, yet you

know the hidden of me.

When I fall, when I rise;

my thoughts, the voices inside,

outside, and the demons,

from the hidden of me;

from my true heart,

to the spirits from afar.

Sometimes I think,

if I could just make it darker;

more isolated, more alone,

more sad, more … dead.

I try that instead, but no.

It’s a big dead end for me.

You know my going out,

my lying down; all of it, and

every word I try to say;

inside and out, before my

tongue tastes a single

infected word.

Where can I go from your spirit?

Where can I run from your soul?

When I travel to the stars,

or the heavens, you are there;

If I dive deep into the oceans

or the rivers, you are waiting for me.

If I rise on the wings of the

dawn of new hope, or

of every brand new day;

settling on the far side of the past,

your ways are like a chaos to me.

For you are there, no matter where,

before I thought to be anywhere,

you are there to welcome me.

Your hand guides me

and holds me fast, and

protects me from myself;

You toss my fears aside,

behind me into hell,

and sets them upon the top shelf.

The darkness, oh the deep, deep

darkness tries to keep me down.

Yet even the darkness flees from the light.

You are the author of my hope,

the composer of my life.

You are the Noon at Night.

We are fearfully and outrageously made;

I know your works are wonderful;

I know full well, I must set aside,

my own feelings about me,

my own needs, set aside,

to trust the way You see me.

Forever. I will seek you.

Search me then . . .

know my heart,

know my mind,

know my thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way

in me, and lead me in Your path.

Let your ways, be the only ways in me.

For . . . this is the way.




إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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