جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Tareq Al Islam

"As time goes by"


Clouds frozen in the North,

Unbearable heat in the South,

The former full moon is dirty with pain,

To the west are the terrifying War

Armored warships,

Time floating in the rising waves of misfortune,

When the earth ends,

The siren of destruction floats in the air,

People have forgotten humanity in the lure of power,

Towards the exercise of domination like a wild beast,

The ideal that burns in the fire of vengeance,

Increased wickedness,

The joint families broke up,

The distance has increased from soul to soul,

Family ties are loose,

A huge rift in kinship,

Friendships are light at times,

I don't believe it,

The flattering attitude prolongs the limits of adultery,

Selfish leader breaks promises,

Turbulent days,

Radish hanging in front of the donkey,

This is a temptation,

The pain in the afflicted heart is multiplied,

Miscivility has taken place in civilized society,

Despite having their own people are frying eggplant in the others oil,

What is good for the generation?

Brutal honesty has a detrimental effect on transparent humanity,

The lure of power,

Liberal policy stinginess,

Excessive immorality around the world,

The nature of life is in dire straits,

Where is the gesture of humanitarian peace?

Who will listen to the message of loving world peace?

World leadership is in question,

Check the morality,

How sad!

Time application

Change modification practice,

It's time to dump injustice and move on.

Now is the time to test your strength,

Now is the time to dispel the darkness of false superstition and immorality by lighting the torch of true beauty.

Why not wake up sleeping conscience?

Tears in the eyes of all creation

Atmosphere of war in terrors

Life-giving air is polluted

Water nature and environment surrounding lands are facing pollution,

Just illuminated hearts


Shining in self glory

Still pollution free,

I want enlightened people to solve the humanitarian crisis,

A burning lamp is like a flame

I want unwavering peace,

sinless, fearless, non-violent society

Want a world full of communal harmony,

Where is the enlightened heart?

Wake up,


As time goes by .... !!

#Tareq Al Islam





إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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