Peace in prayer
Jinath Rehana Munni
Date: 10/04/2022
I raised both hands
Iftar night is approaching
Maghrib time begins
The sun is
Accept Roza Darke
In the world
of sorrows,
All the gifts you give
I took it in
my head.
You are the one in prayer
O Creator,
What I got, what I gave
Love is precious to you.
This life is in your name
In the afterlife you and,
The sky is
the limit
In your
Infinite sky is giving wind
Cool mind
Everyone is
busy with your prayers
Wants to
raise both hands.
Give peace to the sick body
Absolutely to you,
Your path
seems simple
Zikir in
Rahim Jabbar Karim you
Tabaji dana tomaya yapi,
Holy is the
sound of your name
yapite sweet sound.