جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Tareq Al Islam

True Love


Luxurious mind of fancy

wants to fly far away in the

crowd of birds on the beach,

Leaving the boundaries of familiar sights

Riding in a row of torn clouds across the horizon

The seven heavens want to cross into the gravity,

At the end of the free movement of the comet meteor nebula

When the hour of reality rings,

The line of lazy thinking intersects,

Procrastination in complex equations of demand,

Life's accounts do not match,

The pain of gaining is greater than the pain of gaining and subtracting.

The latent cry of unspoken words in the ribs of the chest,

Long breaths make warmth the southerly wind,

The materialists turn recklessly,

The thinkers die in sorrow

Earthquake in poetry,

There is nothing to do here

That is human life

What he doesn't get in reality

For that he depends on  imaginations,

Time flows

The ocean currents do not stop even if there is hundreds blocked,

Overcoming all obstacles like a flowing river

That's how to find the meaning of life

We have to move forward like a great river,

What is the meaning of life?

Bearing the happiness without sorrow?

What is the meaning of self-satisfied happy life?

Alas, for no reason at all.

Thorny path

There is more to the world than meets the eye,

First of all, yourself

Give yourself something,

Love yourself that

He can make others even more desolate,

Everyone can be conquered by love,

When true love is well established

No difference remains in the race or tribe ......

#Tareq Al Islam





إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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