جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Stefano Capasso

On the 22nd of April of this month of 2023

 is celebrated

                WORLD PLANET DAY

 It is an important day for all of us, because it wants to sensitize every inhabitant of the world to behaviors more suited to a lifestyle, careful and respectful, to put an end to pollution, arson, wars, spills of poisonous substances in rivers and seas and etc.

A handful of authors from every corner of the planet wanted to address the heart of the powerful of the world

                       a CRY of PAIN

for carelessness and lack of attention to the Planet that hosts us.

The Box Set with the Three Volumes was delivered to the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella and to the Holy Father, POPE FRANCIS and gradually to Authorities and some HEADS OF STATE


I thank Prof Enrique Linero Serrano and the Publishing House Pluriversum Edizioni of FERRARA  who believed in and supported the project

         by adhering to the non-profit event,


                  SALVEMOS EL PLANETA

                        SAVE the PLANET

It was written in 2019, almost predicting that the continuous and arrogant behavior of a wrong lifestyle would then lead the whole world to bear fatal events such as COVID, Earthquakes, Inhuman Wars, Floods etc, etc

        The first volume contains the verses of:


 Teresa Prof Ester Esposito

 Stephanie Siani

 Ela Gentile

 Enzo Veropalumbo

 Sebastian Russo

 Flavius ​​of Nucera

 Enrico del Gaudio

 Enrico Discolo

 Stephen Capasso

 with Verses full of Pain

        for "" the AGONY of the SARNO RIVER "..


 Y después del primer volumen de la gran Antología

              "" SALVEMOS EL PLANETA ""

  continúa con el segundo volumen de Autores en español y luego termina con Autores que hablan inglesa de todos los rincones del planeta

According to the historian Servio the first inhabitants came from Greece

they called this splendid river Sarno. 

And again Strabo describes navigable and full of fish, with transparent water, the River that favors trade.

He was celebrated as a God, old and half-naked, among reeds and hemp with a vase from which he flowed

                     .  PURE WATER

But today the life of the river is now over due to the continuous outrage of spills of all kinds of poisonous substances.

 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The agony of Sarno,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                   river of shame

                  Angry seagulls

              bivouac on the cliff

           which forms a shadow

               right there in front

              to the river in agony :

       .           the Sarno River.

             Even the Majestic Fort,

                     Petra Herculis,

              It observes melancholy

                            Why ,

                 in her millennial life,

                it never she had seen

                 such a terrible mess.

                It was so transparent

                       the sea ahead,

                    that even the gods

                   they loved to mirror

             their beauty with pleasure.

                    But today the River,


           of harassment and violence,

                      forcefully rebels

                     to such suffering.

                 Know that the Nature

                      hurt and in pain

                      does not forgive,

                   nor does it discount


       It almost always carries with hem

                 lightning punishments.

                      All rights reserved

                            copyright @

                Author Stefano Capasso





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