جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Translaton into English)_____


Poem by :Khaled Ash Sheikh (Iraq)..lives in German

Its title :Elizabith

Translated by : Hamed Habib(Egypt)



Because you are lady has

 thosand of meaning..

I chose you from among all women

to be owner of my ideas

and inspiring of my poetries

I write white poems for your beauty

on face of the moon

and dress of the sky

on ribs with f the rocks

and faces of the water

on walls of the caves

and leaves of the berry

by the most beautiful of the letters


by salfron's water

and scent of the flowers and Henna


I write poems, no one can wrote

before me nor after me

because you are the first world's lady

and this age's story

because you are lady has

 thosand of meaning

I drew you a woman from the beauty

and magic in my imagination

like the Gemini

like the sun, moon and clouds

like gazelles, rabbits and small birds

like trees , blooms and basils

like rains , fogs and whirlwinds

like demons(genii) ,sylphs,

angels and prophets

but I realized that you are over

and you are unfamiliar

and the best in this existance

You are the world's queen

You are rains of the earth

and you are water of the earth

and you are salt of the earth

and the perfume of the earth

and earth's lady

and you are crown of women

We love you a lot

like number of the stars

and widely of the sky

O leaven the universe

and glow of lamps !

O our beautiful bloom !

Because you are female equal

thousand of meaning and meaning

I chose you from among all women.

                    *  _______________ *

                 ترجمة:حامد حبيب_مصر



إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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