Isaura Poetisa
Authorchyp: Isaura Poetisa
Country: Brazil
I hear an outcry from the crowds!
An agony of rivers;
A lament of seas and oceans.
I hear the hearts of fragile birds without the certainty of being able to fly.
I hear the semi-toned noise of the waterfalls, with their meager volumes of water;
I see that the clouds, like sheets, roll up trying to escape the blackness of the smoke from the chimneys.
I see in the redness of the beings' eyes that the pollution is affecting them;
I see the fields drying up...
I perceive in the bulge of the little children's abdomens, as well as in the yellowness of their skin, that they have been forgotten, that they need inclusion.
I hear advances, negotiations, war arrangements on the news.
It is urgent that we understand that we are, as individuals and countries, within a context of Humanity.
Let us pray and fight for Peace!