جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Saki Jahangir

@ Nocturnal Saki @


(Erotic Voice Book)


Saki jahangir




Nocturnal Saki intoxicated, spends the night

Deprived of that feeling in the Jamuna, find a little back.

He doesn't have anything to save, he loses everything.

The beggar on the path without money, at the address of life.

His youth was rambling, tight-lipped

Today, in old age, it is too late to understand.

He had acted in repentance, fake repentance

Whoever did not have 'Love' , did not have faith.

In the farcical farce, visiting often

Legal & forbidden  choice judgment, there was no care

Good tidings  was on stage,  but not in his house

Abdominal nightmares, fond of flattery

Stretching out the hand various tactics, has cheated

He decorates his face, he decorates his own exhibition.

What will happen today! The time has come, at the door of death.

Magic show of the day, pressure on his neck.

I'm not, I'm not, "I'm Saki" will go

Groaning is walking in the middle of the soul, at every moment

Forgive me, merciful Lord, Your servant 'Saki'

Way of 'Ahle Bayat ' - on the way of Rasool(peace be upon him).

Under the influence of greed - in the fascination of the soul, emptiness in life /

Intoxicated, awake at night, will there be perfection ???

Shame-shame-fear-fear, hopefully calling today

Do not despair in your kindness, give it to me.




إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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