جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Translated by Alex Arsich ,Pula-Croatia


Emilija Vasiljević

m e n u e t

This is my song,

a silk scarf


wrapped around a guitar’s waist.

This is my tenderness

i say,

enveloped with the memory

of the night

in which you,

with the accompaniement of the first snowflakes

and a guitar,

spoke verses to me...

It was early

for our hands to embrace

so my fingers


in the silk of the scarf

(you said i looked good in cyclamen)

and yours-

on the guitar strings

(i said you looked good with a guitar)

And we laughed,


The snoflakes danced, danced-

- a m e n u e t

for the Guitar and the Scarf

the color of cyclamen.

© Emma Emilija Vasiljevic, Pula-Croatia

Translated by Alex Arsich ,Pula-Croatia


m e n u e t

Ovo je moja pjesma,


svilena marama,

ovita o struk gitare.

Ovo je moja nježnost,


ogrnuta sjećanjem

na noć

u kojoj si mi,

uz pratnju prvih pahulja

i gitare,

stihove govorio...

Bilo je rano

da zagrlimo ruke,

pa su moji prsti


svilom marame

(rekao si da mi pristaje boja ciklame)

a tvoji-

strunama gitare

(rekla sam da tebi gitara lijepo pristaje)

I smijali smo se,


Pahulje su plesale, plesale-

- m e n u e t

za Gitaru i Maramu boje


© Emma Emilija Vasiljević Pula-Croatia



إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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