جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك
ترجماتحامد حبيبشعرعبد العليم إسماعيل

ترجمة قصيدة للشاعر:عبد العليم اسماعيل للمبدع حامد حبيب

  ترجمة قصيدة للشاعر:عبد العليم اسماعيل_مصر

        ترجمة: حامد حبيب_مصر

ترجمة القصة)_______

If other countries know me

the dream was worthwhile

to reach horizons

I was drawing longings

on the exhausted face

and stepped ..made attractive speech

from my sadness

but the going time

from my veins

make inrerprtation of the things

warning to the revelation

I'm covered by the pain

I sit down on the ways

to confide a secret to sun..

I don't see brightness with it.

There are times come to me

I imagine tunnels

towards the rising extension

I go in depth of vision

l read my secrets

I pass all fences

between the coverd homeland

with the silence

and defiance of the tornado

I bleed my pains

and take off my days

then,I see me a fancy at the night

I guard my lie in all days

I drink resonances of the past

then embrace pictures

don't have exept nights of care

We were announced to enternalise

in the fire

Every thing was perished of hypocrite

We sing to the compulsion

We speak about the glory which

went away

Nile ..its soul became dry

It is sad among the rivers

We shut up mouths spoke

of the exhaustion

We take sunlight by the force

The night comes without moons

Unjustly,we curse all the fates

The curse comes to us of failure

We grope fearfull walls

and we stay standing

days cross on us

and glance at us with kindness


Poem by: Abd Al-Aleim Ismael (Egypt)

Translated by:Hamed Habib (Egypt)




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