جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


@ dr jossie tequillo

The Singer and the Song

We settled into a round table near the stage, scanned the menu book and ordered our food

A tall good looking guy appeared on stage as we dig into our food

He sang, and I easily fall in love with the song

It felt so right,  like it was meant for me.

The singer I know him not

This is the first time I joined my friends to this cafe

They raved at the food and are enamored by the singer and his songs

But as always I turned down them down outright.

Today I needed some remissions from my heartache

My love had flown to another nest, my suffering is unbearable

I look at the singer, so lovable is he

But no, am not ready to fall in love again.

After several songs, he asks the audience to sing with him

My friends tapped me, knowing I too is a singer 

I resist but  they virtually carried me to the front

The singer comes down to meet me by the stair.

He takes my hand, my quintessence flutters in delight.

He coax me, I oblige, and he joins in my singing

Now his arm is on my shoulder pressing me closer to him.

I am thrilled by his closeness, gets drunk with his manly scent, his breath mingles with mine, we are one.

Another song and no more strangers are we to each other

I love his touch, I forget about the audience

Allow him to kiss me on the forehead

The audience become raucous, clapping and whistling.

I wake up from a dream

Run back to my friends blushing like a teen on her first kiss

Back to the office my charlatan friends announce what transpired during our lunch break

I try to cool it down but deep inside I feel inflamed with love.

Tonight, i couldn't get my sleep

My soul is aching for his touch, tears I couldn't deter

I am falling in love again and it scares me

One hearbreak is enough.

@ dr jossie tequillo




إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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