جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك


Emilija Vasiljević

Translated by Darko Kotevskii

A pinch of a dream

My hands are olive branches

in the throat a chirping bird.

I keep quiet.

Above the glade

of our longing I keep quiet,

covered with the silk of your


I am your gardener.

With a basket of harvested kisses

I'm arriving!

I am your Healer.

Scented lavender oil,

for the trace of worry on the forehead.

Dew from the rose petals

for the shadow of sorrow in the eye.

The sea is our bed


We will sail slowly.

Under this eaves of unrest

we are in no hurry.

Emma Emilija Emilija Vasiljević "the pinch of a dream"

Translated by Darko Kotevskii


Prstohvat sna

Ruke mi grane masline

u grlu cvrkut ptice.


Iznad proplanka

naše čežnje tihujem,

svilom dodira tvojih


Tvoja sam vrtlarica.

Košarom ubranih poljubaca


Tvoja sam Vidarica.

Mirisno ulje lavande,

za trag brige na čelu.

Rosa s ružinih latica

za sjenu tuge u oku.

More nam postelju


Lagano ćemo ploviti.

Pod ovom strehom nemira

nikuda nam se ne žuri.

Ema Emilija Vasiljević „prstohvat sna



إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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