اقرأ ايضاً

ويرقص صهيون فرحًا

فنون - أغسطس 18 2023

شكرًا جزيلاً

فنون - أغسطس 04 2023

هل بدات فرنسا تخسر مجالها الحيوي و حقوقها التاريخية في افريقيا

فنون - أغسطس 04 2023
جاري تحميل ... فنون

إعلان الرئيسية

جديد فنون

مع البحر .🏖️

فنونأغسطس 18, 2023

مقهى الرصيف....🦜🤗.

فنونأغسطس 18, 2023

إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد موقع علَّم نفسك

جديد علَّم نفسك ما هو


John Charley

  re-conditioned sphere

everything we've been

in vast of field and back to where-

perfect round wanted, is just not.

which by all that, the mind

would stand and look back

on tears of that object activity;


and see ourselves as our fathers,

as our mothers, accomplice in it

to where with stones in hand,

and eyes red in fire's arm;

we'd committ things, things that

nobody exempts by reading our lips.

but more at least could've been more

and hope that everything was ours;


and nothing is left for them

and daily they would cry, crying

trampled down, on our biggest feet;

favourite music on reprieve,

deliberate-priority that wouldn't give.

least within, we'd think and bleed-

that they exhaust of fragrant breath

and spit where their mind speaks,

when the least-kind remains,

mystery, like everything in every mind;


and everywhere despite, what carries

sides from each, death would kill to killer

and wake up only when it comes

surprised within, of what suprise awaits;

everything, something is this blindness.

©️ john charley





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