John Charley
. sweet places
of rest
day the bees swarmed
and visited our branch
day was dialed sunny, bright lunch and dry
utensils everywhere to explain
kitchens smelly of spice
and here, hot was sky of something sound
intruding wings or words
trials of man and how
some bunched, and dispersed somewhere
of moving place, dance is flying around;
notice without visitations
and everywhere are running wings
and people together in gardens.
fearfully, children are handed indoors
peaceful stories, telling telling how
journeys, takes long to lure
and find to find that place
as we only find somewhere,
we rest, not there, long to stay-
even if callings are beauty of this place
mind dwells, always where it goes
and rest will always be, day or two.
youngest questions still lingered;
what if find, found this place so sweet?
©️ john charley