Kenneth Maswabi
One step at a time
With turmoil soaked in our skin
Hope seems like a billion years away
Like a distant sky, hope is a mirage in
our eyes
But let us put on the garment of hope
Hold not onto the shackles of fear
This turmoil that drenches our hearts
Will one day melt away
And on its place, a new day will emerge
This is the day of celebration
Like never before, we will celebrate life
With victory in our hands, we will
We will know the cost of every moment of
our existence
We will count our blessings
We will know the essence of our being
And we will find ourselves totally free
Free from the savage hands of bondage
The fibre of our being will find rest
Not in the comfort of our material
But in the knowledge of our true selves
Our stories of hope will be treasures in
our chest
Like never before, we will cherish our
We will embrace our true nature and be
true to ourselves
We will have the scars
But our hearts will hold the key
To the most sacred house of being
The Truth is the most beautiful part of
The lesson for today is that life is
Regardless of the turmoil, life is
beautiful and sacred
Let us rise above our thoughts and
And learn to see beyond our constructed
Let us sit on the pedestal of hope for a
This is the therapy that we need
This is medicine to our souls
The cleansing of our being is not a one
day job
We have to be patient and take it one
step at a time
It will be over soon
©Kenneth Maswabi